What We Do


The Conservation Committee keeps members informed on current conservation issues; encourages members to identify and carry out conservation work locally; and provides environmental education programs for the Club and community. The Conservation Committee also suggests speakers for programs, recommends conservation projects, and organizes field trips. Past programs have included beekeeping, recycling, and the American Chestnut Research and Restoration Project.  The Committee has also worked to protect our native milkweed, a host plant for monarch butterflies.  Committee members have collected seeds from native milkweed plants, and distributed them along with educational materials at the annual Forsyth Nature Center Fall Festival in Kingston.  The Club also provided funding for the Monarch Watch Garden at the Forsyth Nature Garden.

Bee with pollen


The Horticulture Committee stimulates knowledge and love of gardening by sponsoring lectures and demonstrations, and by disseminating horticultural information to members to encourage them to sow, propagate, plant, grow, and show. Program topics have included seed starting, propagation methods, xeriscape gardening, and tree identification. The Committee also coordinates the entry of horticultural specimens at GCA Zone III flower shows.

2017 Flower Show

Floral Design

The Floral Design Committee promotes interest in the art of floral design by educating members, regardless of experience and expertise, in floral arranging, and encouraging member to enter flower shows. The Committee also coordinates the entry of a floral arrangement in the GCA Zone III flower show.  In June 2017, the club held a flower show open to the public at the Ulster County Historical Society, Bevier House Museum.

2017 Flower Show


The Photography Committee furthers the knowledge and love of gardening and the natural landscape through photography.  It promotes the art and science of photography at all skill levels through educational programs and training designed to teach photography techniques, and to develop an artistic eye. The Committee helps document club meetings and events and provides photographs for GCA publications. It also coordinates the entry of photographs at GCA Zone III flower shows. Members’ photographs provide inspiration for gardening and conservation endeavors and serve to enhance appreciation of our natural surroundings.
